Monday, 3 February 2020

Norwich UK Franchises

Norwich has a population of approximately 135,000 people with the greater Norwich population of 230,000. According to Norwich Research Park the population is projected to reach 280,000 by 2025 with a catchment area of 1 million. Also Norwich has growth projections for 33,000 more homes and 35,000 more jobs by 2021.

New businesses have a better than average survival rate than the rest of the UK. 26 per cent of Norwich’s population is in the 16-29 age group compared to a UK average of 18 per cent. 40 per cent of the graduates from the university live and work locally.

Approximately 420,000 people currently live within half an hour drive of the city centre. With all of these facts and statistics coming from the Norwich Research Park surely those kind of figures are enough to entice anyone to start their own business.

More and more people are looking towards franchising as a way to invest in themselves and their own business so take some time to research them. There is certainly something available for almost any background and skill sets. Consider for a moment new computer or an education business. In some areas of the country the AA are recommending that those who can, work from home for one day per week to ease traffic congestion.

An education business is one way to take your experience and profit from sharing your expertise by providing online digital content or sourcing clients from home and tutoring or training on site. A person with management skills or administrative skills may choose to research recruitment franchises.

Another area to consider for those with a sales and marketing or advertising background is the  marketing option. One of the higher investment levels is of course with master franchises.

This person needs to have management experience or previous experience to gain the confidence of the brand owner. The person looking at investing in a master franchise will also need sufficient funds to build a network of them and available funds for any contingency.

Often master franchises can be retail outlets or merchandising, food outlets or coffee franchises or even fitness centre versions. For those interested in recruitment or management then consider also a commercial cleaning services, home cleaning services, pet franchise or home care in the UK. These businesses can be taken on as a management role recruiting others or working in the business.

A person with a trade or a handyman might be interested in investing in a home services types, offering their expertise to the local community. It seems nobody wants to leave Norwich but storage types can still be a consideration for cars, boats, or people on the move.

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